FTI offers an extensive range of stainless steel gas regulators being the specialist UK distributor for the UK Manufacturer Pressure Tech.
The high pressure range features piston-sensed pressure regulators with precision machined and fully supported sensor elements to cover pressure ranges up to 690bar (10,000psi). These regulators are primarily used on gas applications. Combined sensor and spring options allow low torque adjustment with accurate and repeatable control. They are available in 316SS and brass, with the option of parts degreased to G93 for use on oxygen service. Port sizes from 1/8″ to 3/8″.
LF-311 Low-Flow Pressure Regulator (Outlet to 180bar)
Product Features
- Piston sensing element
- Lightweight and compact design
- 316SS threaded bonnet
- Solid disk seat design
- Max. Inlet: 414 bar (6,000 psi)
For further details, please download the LF-311 Low-Flow Pressure Regulator (Outlet to 180bar)
product overview brochure – HERE
LF-540 Low-Flow Pressure Regulator (Outlet to 414bar)
Product Features
- Piston-sensing element
- Precision-machined sensing element
- Compact design
- Self-venting or non-venting
- Max. Inlet: 690 bar (10,000 psi)
For further details please download the LF-540 Low-Flow Pressure Regulator (Outlet to 414bar) product overview brochure – HERE
LF-692 Low Flow Regulator (Outlet to 1,034bar)
Product Features
- Piston sensing element
- Precision machined sensing element
- Segregated captured vent
- Easy access to seat cartridge
- Max inlet: 1,034bar (15,000 psi)
For further details please download the LF-692 Low Flow Regulator (Outlet to 1,034bar) product overview brochure – HERE